
Showing posts from May, 2022

Priority Plus Financial on Credit Card Debt Management

Today, Priority Plus Financial will discuss one of the most convenient (and yet, the most abused) financial systems currently used by almost all Americans.   Ever since they were first invented back in the 1950s, the credit card system is well-favored by all because of its convenience, its safety, simplicity, and, most importantly, the ability to spend money that the user hasn’t earned yet. And with that line of thought, there is always a sure chance of abuse coming from users who have no idea how to manage credit card debt.   Statistics show that before the coronavirus pandemic started, a huge majority of Americans were all scrambling towards the top of the credit card debt chain! As of November 2017, Americans have already overshot the staggering $1.02 trillion credit card debt recorded in May of 2008 alone. By February 2020, more US citizens are deep in credit card debt, with a whopping $98 billion added to the total debt amount.      All in all, credit card...

Priority Plus Financial offers help for families with pandemic debt — AZ Big Media

Many businesses and individuals have experienced an unusual amount of debt due to the pandemic. Families and small businesses that may never have been in debt before this situation due to unforeseen closures, radical drops in business traffic and workforce reductions. In short, individuals may have been out of work temporarily or have lost their jobs totally and small businesses may have lost all or at least a significant amount of traffic due to temporary, and in some cases, permanent closures. For those families that are experiencing debt due to the pandemic and want to get it under control, thankfully there are options. Priority Plus Financial is a company that is offering a legitimate path for people wanting to manage the debt caused by the pandemic and pay it off as quickly and as painlessly as possible. The loans that Priority Plus Financial offers are advantageous for several reasons and are aimed at helping families and small business owners get back on their feet after experie...