Priority Plus Financial on the Truth about Credit Cards

For those who are thinking this is a post about the negative truth about credit cards, Priority Plus Financial will set you straight; there is no such thing as a negative truth about credit cards. Since the time they were introduced to the public, credit cards are pretty much like anything and everything else in the financial world. When one abuses the gifts given, there will be consequences. And it just so happens that credit cards, when abused, deal the ugliest of truths. The Credit Card Trap What does one think of the word ‘trap’? Does it always spell doom and gloom for everyone who encounters it? That is not necessarily the case all the time. Remember, a trap only springs when someone is naive or foolish enough to approach or move the trap. And in most cases, that is always the same scenario at all times with the credit card trap. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research , around a third of credit card holders pay...