Priority Plus Financial on the Truth about Credit Cards

For those who are
thinking this is a post about the negative truth about credit cards,
Priority Plus Financial will set you straight; there is no such thing as a negative truth about credit cards. Since the time they were introduced to the public, credit cards are pretty much like anything and everything else in the financial world. When one abuses the gifts given, there will be consequences. And it just so happens that credit cards, when abused, deal the ugliest of truths. 

The Credit Card Trap 


What does one think of the word ‘trap’? Does it always spell doom and gloom for everyone who encounters it? That is not necessarily the case all the time. Remember, a trap only springs when someone is naive or foolish enough to approach or move the trap.  


And in most cases, that is always the same scenario at all times with the credit card trap. 


According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, around a third of credit card holders pay the minimum amount of payment each month. From this information alone, one can understand why a lot of Americans today have issues with credit card management and are under heavy credit card debt. That’s because a lot of these credit card users always seem to get caught in the credit card trap!  


If one can’t wrap their head around how one accumulates credit card debt that easily, then here’s how it all works: 


  • A person uses their credit card to buy stuff that they can’t afford. Or sometimes, the same people will continue using their credit cards for purchases where they can defer payment. 
  • When the monthly dues come, the credit card holder will only pay for the least amount of payment for the monthly due.  
  • Soon, this same credit card holder will keep on using their credit cards to pay for things that are necessary. Examples are groceries and monthly bill payments. They keep paying for these expenses month by month while buying stuff that they really don’t need or don’t have the capacity for repayment. It won’t matter anymore if they’re paying the minimum amount every month; their credit card balance will keep piling up as the months go by. 
  • Very soon, the credit card holder will be in for the surprise of their lives when they realize that they’ve accumulated a huge amount of credit card debt. 


Clearly, this ‘ugly truth’ is basically just plain and simple. What everyone says is just chump change when the monthly payments come for credit cards will become thousands of dollars, provided that they don’t practice credit card management. 

What to Do Now? 


When one realizes the actual amount for clearing credit card debts, they’ll most likely not use their credit cards at all. The worst part is when their credit ratings go so bad that they can’t file for personal loans in order to pay off their credit card debts. 


With Priority Plus Financial, those with credit card debts are able to get low-interest personal loans in order to pay for credit card debt. One of the things our clients love is that we offer loans with really low-interest rates. Most personal loans out there have exorbitant interest rates, thus making it more difficult for people trying to clear out credit card debt. 


When slowly paying debts, remember to practice self-restraint when using credit cards. Avoid using those plastic things for necessary transactions, such as groceries and bill payments.  


In really extreme cases, don’t use credit cards at all! Try using debit cards or financial mobile applications that allow users to have a small maintaining balance that is perfect for day-to-day spending or budgeting. This curbs overspending on things that one doesn’t really need or shopping for items that are way too expensive. 


Building a solid debt management plan may seem difficult, but it is not impossible. One can get the services of a professional financial planner for assistance.


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